“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
- Maya Angelou
What is a Rite of passage?

Deeply tuned-in to the cycles of nature and the never-ending spirals of death and rebirth, ancient societies around the world created rituals of initiation to mark, celebrate, and make sense of these great mysteries. We go through many significant transitions, identity shifts, and developmental stages throughout our lives. Marking these transitions through ceremonial rites of passage offers us the opportunity to initiate ourselves into our lives, our communities, and our place on this earth in new ways.
Why is it Important?
We are living in a world that is becoming more and more separated from nature and true community. The ancient ceremonies and initiatory rites of passage that were once practiced by our ancestors have almost been forgotten. Our instinctive need for initiation has been forced underground, into the unconscious, only to show up later through self-destructive behaviors, ecological destruction, and the devastation of human rights. We believe the renewal of meaningful, modern-day rites of passage are essential for the health of ourselves, our communities, and our planet. A rite of passage helps us to be honored and celebrated for our true nature and inherent gifts, so that we may show up more fully in better care for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
To learn more, visit our resources section and our cultural relations page.

Anthropologists have identified three archetypal phases in most rites of passage and the vision fast ceremony we offer is structured around these phases: