Resilience, Love, Regeneration 

School of Lost Borders

Over 40 years of bringing meaningful rites of passage into the modern world through vision fasts, trainings, and transformative nature-based programs.

Cross into the natural world to mark and celebrate significant life transitions.


Learn how to guide rites of passage and support your community.


Remember the ancient wisdom of living and dying in connection with the natural world.


Integrate ceremony and nature-based practices into everyday life and work.

Your generosity helps make our work accessible to all who are called to our programs. It also supports the ongoing legacy and sustainability of the School of Lost Borders. Please join with us to help sustain our commitment to continue to foster rites of passage work in the world.

The renewal of meaningful, modern day rites of passage are essential for the health of ourselves, our communities, and our planet.

Mid-Winter Vision Fast

Feb 17 - Feb 28, 2025 Death Valley, California Petra Lentz-Snow, Nick LaHaise Vision Fast

“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,  we have come to our real work  and when we no longer know which way to go,  we have begun our real journey.  The mind that is not ...

Walking Into That Good Night: Exploring Our Relationship With Dying & Death

Feb 23 - Mar 1, 2025 Death Valley, CA Katie Teague, Betsy Perluss Living & Dying

“To live in this world you must be able to do three things: To love what is mortal, To hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it, And when the time comes to let it go, to ...

AZ Mirroring the Four Shields of Human Nature: The Art of Storytelling and Listening

Mar 17 - Mar 23, 2025 Catalina State Park - Tucson, Arizona Silvia Talavera, Gretchen (Grae) Gerlach Training

“Stories are a form of medicine that can operate at the deepest levels of self and soul.” Michael Meade   Telling one’s own story is an ancient art. Nowadays, we ...

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" We began way back when, in the days when revolution was in the air, when rock and roll was filled with protest and the young were sticking flowers in the gun barrels of National Guardsmen. Even then, the answer to the dilemma of culture was clear: True revolution would never come about until the children remembered the way to get to adulthood - and the adults to true elderhood - and the elders to honorable death..."