Cary Gaunt
Cary Gaunt, Ph.D. (she/her), a lover of earth and spirit, has dedicated her life to listening deeply for, and serving, their call. This call led her to the School of Lost Borders in 2003 for the California Women’s Vision Fast. There she found a language, people, and suite of ceremonies and practices that felt like home. Cary went on to train extensively with the School and has assisted many programs including the month-long training. She also completed the three-year Soulcentric Apprenticeship and Initiation Program with the Animas Valley Institute. Cary is an ecospirituality scholar, teacher, guide, and sustainability leader who offers retreats, workshops, courses, and nature-based leadership programs around the country. Six interdependent tributaries of knowledge and practice form the confluence of her work: wilderness exploration; nature-based programs of inner transformation including vision fasts; the four shields of human nature; nature-based leadership; meditation and contemplative prayer; and sustainability and climate activism.