cynthia bio 2023

Cynthia Morrow


Cynthia Eisho Morrow (she/her) has been a wilderness guide with EarthWays LLC, a Bay Area collective, since 2006 and with the School of Lost Borders since 2011. Her father’s family lived in the Owens Valley, and so she grew up joyfully exploring the vast territory of the Eastern Sierras and the deserts in and around Death Valley. Her first encounter with the School of Lost Borders in 2003 felt like a homecoming, and her relationship with earth-based ceremony has grown and deepened ever since. As a wilderness guide, a depth psychotherapist for over 20 years, and an ordained Buddhist priest of the Japanese Tendai lineage, Cynthia is deeply committed to the individual and collective awakening of our radically interconnected world: our inner nature (body, mind, heart, spirit) and outer nature (humans, other sentient beings, and the earth). As a bi-racial woman, half-Japanese and half-white, she is passionate about supporting people of diverse backgrounds, bloodlines, and lifestyles to discover how their unique gifts are exactly what’s needed at this time to co-create a life-sustaining world. 

Email: [email protected]

View Cynthia’s website at:



The Great Ballcourt Initiation – Spring Fast

Death is the ultimate agent of transformation—be it a physical death or “the little deaths” encountered throughout life.  Indigenous cultures developed rituals to aid and guide people through these stages of change and renewal, utilizing the power of death to enhance and intensify these experiences.


Let Go into the Mystery: The East Shield of Living and Dying

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CA Women’s Vision Fast

Perhaps you are one of the many women called to this ceremony. Maybe it is time to move deeper into the questions: What is asked of me? How do you source myself? How do I recognize the ancient myths guiding my life? What is drawing...