John Davis bio pic (11-12-20)

John Davis


John Davis (he/him) has been leading nature-based rites of passage and related programs since 1984. Over the years, his work in this area has taken various forms, including vision fasts for youth and adults, designing and directing a graduate program in ecopsychology that included wilderness intensives, writing both popular and academic articles and book chapters, and for the past 20 years, offering a program combining the School of Lost Borders’ work and the Diamond Approach. He is also a teacher of the Diamond Approach, and the author of “The Diamond Approach: An Introduction to the Teachings of A. H. Almaas.” He lives in Colorado at the edge of the Rockies and the Great Plains with his wife, and he has three children and four grandchildren. Among his joys are trail running and messing around in his garden.

Email: [email protected]

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