Nick LaHaise

Nick LaHaise (he/him) is a rite of passage guide, teacher, artist, and professional chef. He was called to rites of passage as a teenager, seeking to understand what it means to be a fully alive and initiated adult. He spent over a decade immersing himself in various rites of passage ceremonies and deep nature connection with organizations including, Animas Valley institute, The Mankind Project and The 8 Shields Institute. He fell in love with the simplicity and beauty of The School of Lost Borders, where he’s trained for several years. He began guiding in 2016 and has led vision fasts through Credo High School, Marin Academy, and Wilderness Reflections. In 2018 he founded a craft school in Sebastopol, Hearth Folk School, and currently works as a carpenter, green wood worker and rites of passage guide. He lives in the Northern Sierra with his wife and 1.5 year old son, where he enjoys cooking, carving, and weaving baskets.
Contact: [email protected]