Turning Into Life
Thirty years ago Steven Foster and Meredith Little founded The School of Lost Borders, offering rites of passage experiences based in part on Native American vision quests. The school’s work is based on group sessions followed by a period of fasting alone in the Sierra Nevada desert, followed by more group sessions with elders. Rod first interviewed Meredith and her husband, Steven Foster, five years ago. Steven died in May 2003, after suffering from a genetic lung illness for ten years. Near the end of his life, they took the first steps toward combining their rites of passage work with hospice work.
Meredith Little is a wise and radiant being. Rod said after his interview, “Meredith is one of the gentlest people I have ever met. So full of love. Even the way she walks is peaceful.” It did not surprise me to learn she had witnessed the deaths of four people very close to her. She has also spent thousands of hours listening to people’s stories and helping them through to another phase of their lives.
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