Petra Lentz-Snow

Petra Lentz-Snow


Petra Lentz-Snow (she/her) is certified naturopath and first generation immigrant from Germany.  She made her way to the Western United States in her twenties, following a deep call and a faint breadcrumb trail to what would become her life work. She has been guiding vision fasts and wilderness rites of passage programs for more than 30 years now.

Guide, trainer and active steward of the School of Lost Borders, Petra served as Executive Director at LB for eight years and is a former Netkeeper for the Wilderness Guides Council network.   After raising three children in the SF Bay Area, she has returned to live full time in Payahuunadü, “place of flowing water”, on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Nüümü and Newe peoples.

Petra is passionate about the human (and planetary) need to re-member ourselves, as a largely dis-membered species shaped by the impacts of modern culture. Her work centers around supporting life transitions through initiatory experiences and threshold practices in wild places.  Areas of special focus include Women Rites, Transitions of Illness, Loss and Death, Gender Expansion/Transition.

Petra holds space as a ROP midwife, Trans Parent, Breast Cancer Survivor, fledgling Elder, and not-so-fine Artist. She lives by the grace of a heart that seems to keep expanding – despite the bumps in the road, or maybe because of them… In her free time you will likely find her with clay on her hands or out in the wilds harvesting pine needles and wild nettle.

Email: [email protected]

Blog:  Cancer as a Rite of Passage

Interview:  Introduction on Rites of Passage




Mid-Winter Vision Fast

“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,  we have come to our real work  and when we no longer know which way to go,  we have begun our real journey.  The mind that is not baffled is not employed.  The…


CA Spring Vision Fast

The twelve day ceremony involves four days of preparation, four days and nights of fasting alone, and four days of incorporation.  The prep and post fast portions of the program will be held in the Owen's Valley (Payahüünadü), at Baker Creek Campground, and the...


CA Month-Long Training

*Pre-requisite for this program is having completed a guided 3 or 4-day/night vision fast within the last five years. This need not have been with the School of Lost Borders.  Please submit an application to Betsy before enrolling or paying a deposit. You should email Betsy at…


Two Week Training for Women

This is an offering to celebrate and hold the broad, and diverse experiences of what it is to be a woman in this moment in time. Since time immemorial Rites of Passage Ceremonies have facilitated change, offering a simple but indispensable container to transition from...


New: Four Shield Training for Women

For the first time, we are offering an 8-day training centered exclusively on women rites and earth-based ceremonies in the modern day wilderness Rites of Passage context. Using a ceremonial immersion in the Four Shields module, this course will focus on transmitting and deepening the…


CA Fall Vision Fast

The twelve day immersion ceremony involves four days of preparation, four days and nights of fasting alone, and four days of incorporation in Death Valley.  (Payahüünadü), at Baker Creek Campground, and the solo threshold phase of the ceremony will take place in Death Valley...