CO Summer Vision Fast
Jul 28th, 2021 - Aug 8th, 2021 | Wild Mountain, Colorado | Pedro McMillan, Ruth “Roo” Wharton | Vision Fast
The call of the earth is getting louder! The ecological stress we see in wildfires, flooding, and global pandemics can leave you feeling helpless, frightened and stuck. Technology and the fast pace of work and home can rob our lives of meaning and purpose. These times are calling all of us back to a place of deep grounding in ourselves and on the earth.
How do we navigate these difficult and changing times? How can we hold both the grief and the opportunities offered by all these changes? Spending time alone in a wild place on the earth can help you come to a place of balance amidst the uncertainty of the world. It will revive something deep in your bones- a call that part of you has been longing to answer.
Taking time away from the busy world to mark life passages can allow you to adapt and move more freely in a changing world. Leaving behind what no longer serves and embracing all of who you are has profound effects. If we do not mark these transitions, life can begin to feel meaningless and mundane. It is more important than ever to sit with questions like ‘Who am I now?’, ‘What am I ready to leave behind, step into or celebrate?’ and ‘What gifts do I bring to the world?’.
Spending time both in community and alone in the wild mountains of Colorado is an opportunity to emerge from times of uncertainty and to show up with value for the earth and your community. This initiatory time alone on the land, surrounded by the mountains and wild landscape will reflect your inner world in a way that can transform your life and help you prepare for and respond to these changing times.
Program Overview: This eleven-day program is divided into three sections; severance, threshold time, and incorporation. The first days are a time of separation from your daily life, physical preparation, and becoming clear on your intention for going out alone into the natural world. The threshold time is your solo time of four days and nights on the land. Finally, the days spent after the solo are the first days of your year-long incorporation experience, where you will learn to work with the gifts you bring to the new phase of life you are entering.
Program Questions Contact: Pedro McMillan at [email protected]
Additional course details & Materials
We encourage people to arrive on the late afternoon/evening of Wednesday, July 27th, the night before we officially start. The group will then come together for its first meeting at 10:00 a.m. on July 28th. We will complete our ceremony mid-afternoon on Sunday, August 8th. ADDITIONAL FEES: $80 Camping Fee to be collected at the time of the program.
You will be responsible for bringing your own food and equipment, though we can provide some gear if needed. We ask everyone to come prepared to live self-sufficiently. You will need to bring shelter and clothing suitable for a full range of inclement weather.
All participants must submit the required health questionnaire and liability form.
If you have questions about the enrollment process contact us at [email protected] or call 760-938-3333.
We request all participants to purchase the vision fast handbook The Trail to the Sacred Mountain: A Vision Fast Handbook for Adults. All publications are available through Lost Borders Press. How to Prepare for Your Vision Fast Ceremony
Wild Mountain is land of the Tabeguache Ute people and other Indigenous tribes who traveled through this area of the Colorado Rockies. The Ute lived and hunted in this abundant land of elk, buffalo, deer, and bear before white settlers came and forced them onto reservations in southwest Colorado and Utah.
To learn more about our commitment to regenerative relationships please visit Cultural Relations.