CO Men’s Fast

Jul 9th, 2024 - Jul 21st, 2024 | Wild Mountain, Colorado | Pedro McMillan, Sam DeBoskey
Being a man can be easy, and not easy at all. How do people who identify as a man navigate both the immense privileges that come with maleness, and the weight of myths that come with being a man. Myths like ‘the self-made man’, the ‘warrior’, the ‘breadwinner’ and ‘protector’. In a world where patriarchy has created real and lasting harm to others and the earth, how can a man be sensitive and compassionate yet have a strong voice and presence that leaves room and space for the voices and presence of others?
Through this rite-of-passage we invite those who identify as men to take a leap – to look deeply at our notions of manhood – and to enter the threshold with an open heart. Alone and together we’ll embark on a shared journey towards finding integrity, towards finding real community, and towards finding a future that is calling us to slow down, show up and embody the transformation these times are asking of us. Truly, the world needs initiated adult and elder men more than at any time in memory.
This initiatory ceremony will take you to the edges of who you are in a safe and caring space. This is a time that will hold you in all your wholeness, ask you to be all of who you are and to bring all the gifts you carry back to the world in an authentic and caring way.
Come and join us, surrounded by some of the tallest peaks in Colorado and under billions. of stars as we take this journey together. Your ceremony will begin with enrolling in the program and sending a deposit to hold your space. More information will be sent to you once this is done. The time has come and we welcome you to join us on the amazing land we call Wild Mountain for this transformative experience.
Program Overview:
This ceremony involves several days of preparation, 4 days and nights of spending time alone in a wilderness place, and a few days of incorporation. You will be supported physically, psychologically, mentally, and spiritually, so that you might fully benefit from this experience of being alone with little or no food in the wilderness. After our days of preparation, you will cross the threshold and enter into your ceremony or threshold time, making it your own. During the final days, you step into the incorporation process where we will join together for the sharing of stories. The guides will listen, support your understanding of the experience, and challenge you to give your vision practical feet – to live the life you have rightfully claimed as your own! When all the stories have been told, we will celebrate together and prepare for your return to your community.
For more info please contact Sam via [email protected]
Additional course details & Materials

Logistics: We encourage people to arrive in the late afternoon/evening of the day before we officially start which means you will arrive on the afternoon of July 8th. The ceremony will end by mid-afternoon on June 20th. Before making travel plans, please communicate with Sam so you won’t miss any important time on the land or with the group.
You will be responsible for bringing your own food and equipment, though we can provide some gear if needed. We ask everyone to come prepared to live self-sufficiently. You will need to bring shelter and clothing suitable for a full range of inclement weather.
All participants must submit the required health questionnaire and liability form.
If you have questions about the enrollment process contact us at [email protected] or call 760-938-3333.
Wild Mountain is land of the Tabeguache Ute people and other Indigenous tribes who traveled through this area of the Colorado Rockies. The Ute lived and hunted in this abundant land of elk, buffalo, deer, and bear before white settlers came and forced them onto reservations in southwest Colorado and Utah.
To learn more about our commitment to regenerative relationships please visit Cultural Relations.