Grief, Loss, and Transformation
Sep 9th, 2020 - Sep 16th, 2020 | Southern Colorado-Dragonback Springs Ranch | Nancy Jane, | Living & Dying
The land around us (and within us) teaches with each passing season, and with each flood, drought, fire and storm, that out of change, crisis and a dying to what was, there appears a new story of form and adaptation. And that how we respond and integrate change into the fabric of our ongoing story colors the character of what comes next.
– Meredith Little, co-founder, School of Lost Borders –
Death and loss are powerful agents of transformation and come in many forms. The residues of a loved one’s passing, a family member’s suicide, a life-changing health crisis, or physical or emotional trauma plunge us into the disorienting territory of profound grief that may last for years.
The raw vulnerability inherent in such experiences needs more than just the passage of time for us to heal. We need community and supportive relationships. In addition, deep in our ancestral memory, we know that ceremony within the context of wild nature can help us move us through such dark passages into a state of renewal and restoration.
Who this program is for
Perhaps a major loss from years ago remains unexamined or incompletely digested. Perhaps you sense in your bones that change has been precipitated through the ordeal of loss or death and has generated in you the potential to initiate you into a new life.
We invite you to join us if you feel ready to fully grieve and honor your losses, whatever the cause. In doing so together, we can open the door to new strengths, gifts, grace, and even gratitude. We are able to experience transformation.
Program Overview
The format of the 8-day program is spacious, to allow for delicate insights to emerge. We will meet daily in sharing councils, with teachings followed by experiential reflection walks on the land, and then further councils in the evenings. The framework of the Four Shields will support and help us map out our exploration of grief and loss. Other rituals and practices will enhance our time together. On day six, participants will undertake a 24-hour solo with optional fasting. Upon return participants will share their stories and have them mirrored by the guides.
A note to people with limited wilderness experience: Although we will be camping out for the duration of the program, activities undertaken will be non-strenuous, and our emphasis will always be “safety first.” We will provide a list of personal equipment that each participant should bring, and we will also provide some group equipment for our base camp. Our location is private land bordered by National Forest at 9000’ in southern Colorado: Ponderosa pines, a perennial stream, vistas, rocky outcrops, and stillness.
Contact: [email protected]
Additional course details & Materials
You will be responsible for bringing your own food and equipment, though we can provide some gear if needed. We ask everyone to come prepared to live self-sufficiently. You will need to bring shelter and clothing suitable for a full range of inclement weather.
All participants must submit the required health questionnaire and liability form.
If you have questions about the enrollment process contact us at [email protected] or call 760-938-3333.
To learn more about our commitment to regenerative relationships please visit Cultural Relations.